// Chapter 11 - Program 8 #include #include "person.h" #include "supervsr.h" #include "elemlist.h" employee_list list; main() { supervisor *suppt; programmer *progpt; secretary *secpt; cout << "XYZ Staff -- note salary is monthly.\n\n"; suppt = new supervisor; suppt->init_data("Big John", 5100, "President"); list.add_person(suppt); progpt = new programmer; progpt->init_data("Joe Hacker", 3500, "debugger", "Pascal"); list.add_person(progpt); progpt = new programmer; progpt->init_data("OOP Wizard", 7700, "senior analyst", "C++"); list.add_person(progpt); secpt = new secretary; secpt->init_data("Tillie Typer", 2200, 1, 85); list.add_person(secpt); suppt = new supervisor; suppt->init_data("Tom talker", 5430, "Sales manager"); list.add_person(suppt); progpt = new programmer; progpt->init_data("Dave Debugger", 5725, "code maintainer", "assembly language"); list.add_person(progpt); // Now display the entire list list.display_list(); cout << "End of employee list.\n"; } // Result of execution // XYZ Staff -- note salary is monthly. // // Supervisor --> Big John's salary is 5100 and is the President. // // Programmer --> Joe Hacker's salary is 3500 and is debugger. // Joe Hacker's specialty is Pascal. // // Programmer --> OOP Wizard's salary is 7700 and is senior analyst. // OOP Wizard's specialty is C++. // // Secretary ---> Tillie Typer's salary is 2200. // Tillie typer types 85 per minute and can take shorthand. // // Supervisor --> Tom Talker's salary is 5430 and is the sales manager. // // Programmer --> Dave Debugger's salary is 5725 and is code maintainer. // Dave Debugger's specialty is assembly language. // // End of employee list.