// Chapter 9 - Program 8 #include #include "date.h" const int MAXSIZE = 128; template class stack { ANY_TYPE array[MAXSIZE]; int stack_pointer; public: stack(void) { stack_pointer = 0; }; void push(ANY_TYPE in_dat) { array[stack_pointer++] = in_dat; }; ANY_TYPE pop(void) { return array[--stack_pointer]; }; int empty(void) { return (stack_pointer == 0); }; } char name[] = "John Herkimer Doe"; void main(void) { stack string_stack; stack class_stack; date cow, pig, dog, extra; class_stack.push(&cow); class_stack.push(&pig); class_stack.push(&dog); class_stack.push(&extra); string_stack.push("This is line 1"); string_stack.push("This is the second line"); string_stack.push("This is the third line"); string_stack.push(name); for (int index = 0 ; index < 5 ; index++) { extra = *class_stack.pop(); printf("Date = %d %d %d\n", extra.get_month(), extra.get_day(), extra.get_year()); }; printf("\n Strings\n"); do { printf("%s\n", string_stack.pop()); } while (!string_stack.empty()); } // Result of execution // Date = 1 7 1992 // Date = 1 7 1992 // Date = 1 7 1992 // Date = 1 7 1992 // // Strings // John Herkimer Doe // This is the third line // This is the second line // This is line 1